Ballade - J Liu 2012.mp3

Background music performed by Jay Liu with  J.R. Lafin Headjoint



廖晃業 Jay Liu FongYip - 長笛

廖氏出生於香港百年老字號廖孖記腐乳王世家, 自幼熱愛古典音樂 ,醉心長笛演奏。 先後以優異成績取得英國皇家北部音樂學院長笛演奏碩士學位及得香港演藝學院學士學位。

廖氏師承國際長笛大師 Peter Lloyd, Laura Jellicoe, Dr. Stephen Preston, Anders Ljungar Chapelon。在留英期間獲得英國皇家音樂學院頌發ABRSM Jardine Matheson Fund獎學金及英國皇家北部音樂學院頒發國際獎學金。

廖氏之演出經驗豐富 , 以首席長笛及短笛手活躍於多個職業樂團。當中包括香港愛樂團, 寰宇交響樂團, 香港室樂團 , 港小交響樂團, 澳門樂團 , 英國皇家RNCM管弦樂團泛亞交響樂團,  Hong Kong Professional Winds, MedArt OrchestraProArte Orchestra等。 並於08年代表香港演藝學院到美國丹佛市郡演出和於2009年被邀請為 Haydn Festival Open Ceremony 作開幕演奏。

廖氏曾與多個國際著名音樂家合作演奏, 包括長笛大師Peter Lukas Graf , 指揮家Trevor Pinnock, Kei Keung  Chiu, Francois-Xavier Roth, Jac Van Steen, Dane Lam, Mark Heron, Gergely Madaras 等等。

2015 廖氏受邀為本地著名作曲家阮慧玲女士的音樂作品 << The Nether World >> 擔任笛和中音長笛獨奏。

2015年冬, 廖氏受邀為Sar Philharmonic Orchestra 擔任
長笛獨奏 (flute solo)演出 J.S. Bach 的 Suite No.2 for Flute and Orchestra 等作品 , 並大獲好評

深造回港, 除活躍於個人獨奏和樂團演出外, 廖氏也專注長笛教育, 並在港創立

<< 皇家音樂 Royal Music >>

Born in the family of Liu Ma Kee preserved bean curd, Jay Liu has learned music and performing arts from numerous international renowned musicians.

Learning with numerous international renowned musicians in Hong Kong, Jay studied flute with Ms. Megan Sterling since 2002 and is her first student in Hong Kong. He then studied with Ms. Izaskun Erdocia from 2007 as an undergraduate flutist in The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Besides flute, he also learned piccolo with Ms. Linda Stuckey.  After obtaining his bachelor degree in flute performance in Hong Kong, Jay was awarded the ABRSM Jardine Matheson Fund Scholarship and the RNCM International Scholarship to pursue his Master of Music (Solo Performance) in the Royal Northern College of Music in the UK from 2010 to 2012. During his study in the Royal Northern College of Music, he was a student of Ms. Laura Jellicoe, Mr. Peter Lloyd, Ms. Joanne Boddington, Dr. Stephen Preston, Mr. Anders Ljungar Chapelon and Ms. Rachel Brown.


Jay is an active principal flutist and piccoloist in orchestras. He is a guest musician in the Macau Orchestra and the Hong Kong Sinfonietta. Recently, he is a principal flutist in the SAR Philharmonic Orchestra. Other orchestras he joined included the UK RNCM Symphony Orchestra, Global Symphony Orchestra, Medart Orchestra, Hong Kong Chamber Orchestra, Pro Arte Orchestra and Hong Kong Festival Wind Orchestra.


 Jay also worked with world-renowned conductors in orchestra, such as Trevor Pinnock,Kai-Keung Chiu, Francois-Xavier Roth, Jac Van Steen, Dane Lam, Mark Heron, Gergely Madaras, Tim Reynish and Eric Banks.


Master of Music in Solo Performance (solo flute) -
Royal Northern College of Music , UK

Bachelor of Music, Honours Degree (solo flute) -
The Academy for Performing Arts , HK

Diploma  in Performing Arts (Music) (solo flute) -
The Academy for Performing Arts , HK